ELI Assessment

The Energy Learning Index™

Have you ever entered a space and immediately thought something like “I love this vibe” or “something doesn’t feel right?” If so, then you have experienced “energy.”


ELI: The Energy Learning Index

Energy is created by a feeling or thought and then generated into an action. These actions either represent reactivity or responsiveness. These states create the way we perceive the world. So “energy” really is perception translated into action.

The ELI will measure the way your perceptions affect your feelings and thoughts. It will also provide insights to help you understand how your thoughts and feelings affect the way that you react & respond to your life’s events.

Afterwards you’ll have a better understanding of what drains and energizes you.

We are born into this world perfect and free of fear. Age doesn’t bring new “truth” but perception does.

Working together

The Assessment

How We’ll Work Together

The assessment takes less than an hour to complete. When we go over your assessment you will see where your energy lives when things are going really well for you and where your energy lives when you’re in a stressed state.

As we go through your assessment, we will uncover opportunities for you to celebrate your strengths and gain awareness for the things you want to change.

When you visually see what is draining your energy, and you gain knowledge of what could energize you, you can then choose how you want to respond to any given situation.

When you start to release these lower levels of energetic thinking, you start to gain high potential awareness. It’s when you are in these higher energies that you feel peace, joy and absolute passion.

This assessment will help you uncover opportunities to expand and increase your potential awareness and uncover your natural gifts.

Get Started

How to Get Your ELI Assessment

ELI Assessments are available as a standard part of my one-on-one coaching or as a separate, stand-alone service.

Either way, the best way for us to get introduced is to book a Discovery Session (totally free & zero commitment).

Carly Petersmeyer, CPC
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