One-on-one coaching

One-on-One Coaching

Scheduled or On-Going Session Work

Self-care is brain care. Growth is in the mind. To not work on your self is neglecting the most powerful thing on earth. The brain. Health stems from your ability to have the bandwidth to think forward and grow towards a goal.


What is one-on-one coaching?

The power of coaching lies within the individual. It is the coach that helps you help yourself. When you feel that sense of power, you become engaged in what you do.

One-on-one coaching is designed to help you move through limiting beliefs, assumptions, interpretations, and past experiences that are causing emotional blocks and keeping you from reaching your goals. Coaching is not about fixing anything, it’s about helping you change the relationship between you and your circumstances.

As we are move through life with perceptions that drain us, we get our true selves confused with our pain. We may not label it is pain, instead it shows up as frustration, anger, stress, and lack of motivation. When we feel these emotions, they create thoughts and those patterns become how we identify ourselves. As we start to label ourselves,we set up barriers to confidence and self-love.

These barriers may show up as control or seeing things as black-and-white. Maybe we’re in our head so often thinking about how we’ve done something wrong that we can’t see the future. Maybe we people please and have a hard time setting boundaries and this creates a lack of self-care and burnout. Maybe we can’t even think straight and we end up avoiding or shutting down.

Coaching is not advising. Coaching is a practice where the coach listens in objective non-judgmental way to help you reflect on your perceptions and develop action plans and accountability to achieve your goals.

When you’re able to free yourself of the emotions that keep you tied to justification and rationalization, you can access unlimited creativity, solution finding, and joy.

A photo of a young woman holding a mobile phone and smiling. This image is meant to communicate the nature of how we'll work together as a coach and client to get you pleasing results.

What to Expect

How We’ll Work Together

When you work with me you will not only receive coaching sessions but a strong foundation in the knowledge of perception and the understanding of how our brain processes information. I believe that when we gain knowledge, it eliminates fear of the unknown and helps us move through sessions with new tools and confidence.

With our coaching package you will receive an ELI assessment. This will assess where your energy lies in stress and where your energy lies when you are in your most energetic self. We will have a debrief to discuss any challenges that show up in the assessment and it will also highlight your gifts.

We will then have a session where we learn about hows past events get encoded in our mind and create draining emotions, how the brain processes information, and we will learn the technique of havening to resolve these emotional blocks. When we are in draining stress it literally makes us dumb. It shuts down our logical thinking and havening is a way to resolve this by calming our nervous systems to access creative solutions.

The coaching package includes the ELI and debrief, this havening education session, and 10 subsequent coaching sessions.

With each coaching session we will establish a clear goal, your motivation to acheieve your goal, what you would like to see at the end of the session, and what we need to address and resolve to achieve this goal. You will set your own accountability which will help you achieve the most success. Through my coaching techniques you will achieve lasting and sustainable change and have the power to help yourself at any time.

I am passionate about making people passionate about themselves.

Let’s Get Started

It’s easy to start your path to emotional freedom. The best way for us to get introduced is to book a Discovery Session. There’s no commitment and you’ll leave the session with a deeper understanding of yourself, what’s holding you back, and what you can achieve.

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